God's Call
in the works
2005 - Present - Currently working on a body of art-work for a future exhibit. I work in traditional fine art mediums.
Lawton Gallery, ... 2 group exhibits
Gallery Lambton ... Anishinabe group exhibit
Art Ambry Gallery ... Individual exhibit
National Metis Exhibit ... Large national, group exhibit
Stoodioz Gallery... Solo exhibit
The above artwork exhibited included works ie: Non-Objective, Figure Studies, Conceptual, and some representational works.
This book is an original account of a period of enlightenment and a Lift to Heaven. A book that speaks of steps upward from a mystical perspective.
If the sky is blue then it is blue,
as Heaven is light then Heaven is light and if I shall write in adversity
then still I shall write. Let light be my guiding hand, for within light there is no adversity and there is peace.
Study is the benefactor of knowledge. If the lesson is the act of saying what is, so then no obstruction will be in the dynamics of principles that lay the foundation of learning as long as we have an open mind. All theory is abstract and the world and intelligence lift in realization of the act of study itself.
So join me in my study...or have you already?
From God's Call
to Heaven
All of the writing on this website is copyrighted by Author/Writer, Lisa Lachapelle
Thank-you to the artist who rendered these copyright-free images on the internet.
I am a Spiritualist, Writer and Artist. Dedicated to bringing spiritual teaching and enlightenment through
my books.
My spiritual steps began approximately fifteen years ago. Culminating over a nine year period where I was in almost complete solitude, devoted to prayer and meditation, and living in contemplation and self-study with God.
I live in Canada.
Website will be updated with
information re publishing of
this next book.