Lisa Langlois dit Lachapelle
​​                                         spiritualist & composer of words
At times when souls greet it is only for that reason, to say hello then good-bye ...and hello again.                                                        Greetings

"The only other experience I had with the subject of your book was watching the TV show "Medium." Your writing is similar to James Joyce's in that like Mr. Joyce (who I consider the most important writer of the 20th century) you both write in a style called "stream of consciousness." In all honesty, I picked-up your book in the hope of getting back some "religion." Your book was a first but major step in that direction. At times while reading it I felt as though I was experiencing "God" for the first time in a long time. Thank You." J.Scuito
Lisa is one of three Canadian women included in One Truth Many Voices, by Sony Mervin            
​(About  Satsang With 108 Living Gurus).
Amazon worldwide. Click on the books in the heading above to order or go to Amazon.  
                Published Works

Small Tales and Visits to Heaven xi Edition, Novel, 2023

Alien Love Stories, Distant Wavelengths One Heart, Sci Fi Short Story Collection​ 2023

Highland Park Press Muses Gallery and Literary Print Journal & Website. Poetry, Summer and Winter editions 2023

​​Writers International Through Sarnia, Vision 20/20 Anthology Poetry 2023

Poetry I Book: A Spiritual Collection of 107 poems, 2018

Poetry II Book: Poems on Love Chapbook, 30 poems, 2022

Poetry III Book: Of Light & Sound, 50 poems, 2022​​

Poetry IV Book: This is the Story of Kryptonite Rose, Single 20 page poem, Ballad, chapbook, 2022

Poetry V Book: ​Ricochets Between the Freedom Chains, 64 Poems 2022

Life's Highway, Co-Writer: Biography of Joan Spalding, Nashville Recording Artist & Canadian Country Musician 2022

Poets Are Heroes Magazine, Realistic Poetry International 2019

Award Winning Entries in ​​
Library of Congress World Poetry Movement: Great Poets Across America 2012. Who's Who in International Poetry 2012. Great Poems and Poets 2013. Individual poem in each collection.
Thy Wings

​​​No daylight fold thy wings 
To see what Heaven brings
No night's sky in dark good-bye
Perfect in rhythm
Minds triumph as they should​

Peaceful is harmony at the half-way lit
Solemn in trust bear no mark
Au beauteous moment
How I wish I could sing to thee
And restore the depleted
Never defeated ...

...more inside the book: Poems I A  Spiritual Collection 

             In USA and UK 
Lisa is devoted to the arts. She is a post-modern guru and mystic. Spiritual advisor, Author & Poet.
Life's Highway Biography of Joan Spalding Country Musician & Recording Artist by Joan Spalding and Co-Author Lisa Lachapelle​
Lisa Lachapelle (dit Langlois), a solo artist with a decade of experience, crafts narratives that resonate on multiple levels. Specializing in genres from Poetry, Fiction, to Spiritual, her work is a blend of drama, humor, and human nature. Every word is carefully chosen to enlighten the everyday, making her work a unique experience for readers who appreciate depth and diversity in literature.  Alignable
"You are a true poet with amazing phrase and word usage...compels me to want more." Scott Wade

"Beautifully written!"​ Tiffany Gordon

"Beautiful" Melissa Ingoldsby

"...your beautiful poem, it flows so nicely​​​​​." J Christiansen

""Such a beautiful poem with an interesting idea and message." J. Mason​​